Get Involved!

Ventura Montessori is a parent-run school and as such is unable to operate without the full support of all families within the school community. Our school creates different opportunities for parent involvement in support of Montessori’s mission and provides pathways to connect families with our school community.

We accomplish these objectives through volunteering and fundraising. We know that parent involvement is not only critical to VMS, but that it sends a strong message to our children, as nothing else can, that their success and happiness in school is important enough for us to take the time to be there. We request that each family do a share of the work involved in the operation of our school.

There are four main committees that keep our school running smoothly:

  • Fundraising Committee
  • Holiday/Spring Program Committee
  • Social/Hospitality Committee
  • Media Management Committee

Finally, we all have special skills that can benefit our school – please don’t wait to be asked, your help is always appreciated. Please give Ventura Montessori all the support you can.

Track Your Hours

Each family is responsible for contributing a minimum of two hours each month in committee work.

After completing a job, please fill out the form below so that others know the job has been taken care of.

  • Note: Every $20 spent on a project counts as an hour of time